We’ve Got Your Back

Responding to customer RFPs requires knowledge, data, and time. We mine data and
produce analytics to help you design accurate and competitive proposals for your

The RFP process is one of the most important – and complicated – parts of the deregulated energy business.
Acquiring customers is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires extensive information gathering – including meter,
profile, and consumption data –and translating it into a clear picture of what a future contract will look like, and
how it will be executed. Our experienced team will help you through every step of the RFP process, parsing data
and producing reports that help you put together proposals that work for you and your customer. Our acquisition
support services include:

  • Data aggregation
  • Validation of utility historical data
  • Aggregation of meter data
  • Development of supply schedules based on consumption forecasting
  • Usage analysis and anomaly detection
  • Creation of load reports by utility/customer/voltage level/profile
  • Assisting with customer questions
  • Dedicated customer portal